4x4 Matrix class.

Note that columns and rows are 0-indexed.

Static variables

@:value(0)staticnumCreations:Int = 0

The number of instance creation.


@:value({ e33 : 1, e32 : 0, e31 : 0, e30 : 0, e23 : 0, e22 : 1, e21 : 0, e20 : 0, e13 : 0, e12 : 0, e11 : 1, e10 : 0, e03 : 0, e02 : 0, e01 : 0, e00 : 1 })inlinenew(e00:Float = 1, e01:Float = 0, e02:Float = 0, e03:Float = 0, e10:Float = 0, e11:Float = 1, e12:Float = 0, e13:Float = 0, e20:Float = 0, e21:Float = 0, e22:Float = 1, e23:Float = 0, e30:Float = 0, e31:Float = 0, e32:Float = 0, e33:Float = 1)

Creates a new matrix. The matrix is identity by default.



The element at row 0 column 0.


The element at row 0 column 1.


The element at row 0 column 2.


The element at row 0 column 3.


The element at row 1 column 0.


The element at row 1 column 1.


The element at row 1 column 2.


The element at row 1 column 3.


The element at row 2 column 0.


The element at row 2 column 1.


The element at row 2 column 2.


The element at row 2 column 3.


The element at row 3 column 0.


The element at row 3 column 1.


The element at row 3 column 2.


The element at row 3 column 3.



Returns this + m


Sets this matrix to this + m and returns this.

inlineappendRotation(rad:Float, axisX:Float, axisY:Float, axisZ:Float):Mat4

Returns this * rotation matrix.

Where rotation matrix is a matrix which rotates rad in radians around the normalized vector (axisX, axisY, axisZ).

inlineappendRotationEq(rad:Float, axisX:Float, axisY:Float, axisZ:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to this * rotation matrix, and returns this.

Where rotation matrix is a matrix which rotates rad in radians around the normalized vector (axisX, axisY, axisZ).

inlineappendScale(sx:Float, sy:Float, sz:Float):Mat4

Returns this * scaling matrix.

Where scaling matrix is a matrix which scales sx times, sy times and sz times along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineappendScaleEq(sx:Float, sy:Float, sz:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to this * scaling matrix, and returns this.

Where scaling matrix is a matrix which scales sx times, sy times and sz times along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineappendTranslation(tx:Float, ty:Float, tz:Float):Mat4

Returns this * translation matrix.

Where translation matrix is a matrix which translates sx, sy and sz along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineappendTranslationEq(tx:Float, ty:Float, tz:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to this * translation matrix, and returns this.

Where translation matrix is a matrix which translates sx, sy and sz along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.


Returns a clone of the matrix.


Copies values from m and returns this.


Returns the determinant.


Sets this matrix to the extension of m and returns this.

this.e33 is set to 1 and other components don't exist in m are set to 0.


Sets this matrix to the representation of transform and returns this.


Sets this matrix to identity matrix and returns this.

inlineinit(e00:Float, e01:Float, e02:Float, e03:Float, e10:Float, e11:Float, e12:Float, e13:Float, e20:Float, e21:Float, e22:Float, e23:Float, e30:Float, e31:Float, e32:Float, e33:Float):Mat4

Sets all elements at once and returns this.


Returns the inverse matrix.

If the determinant is zero, zero matrix is returned.


Sets this matrix to the inverse matrix and returns this.

If the determinant is zero, this matrix is set to zero matrix.

inlinelookAt(eyeX:Float, eyeY:Float, eyeZ:Float, atX:Float, atY:Float, atZ:Float, upX:Float, upY:Float, upZ:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to view matrix and returns this.

Where view matrix is a matrix which represents the viewing transformation with eyes at (eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ), fixation point at (atX, atY, atZ), and up vector (upX, upY, upZ).


Returns this * m


Sets this matrix to this * m and returns this.

inlineortho(width:Float, height:Float, near:Float, far:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to orthogonal projection matrix and returns this.

Where orthogonal projection matrix is a matrix which represents the orthogonal projection transformation with screen width and height width, height, and z-value of near and far clipping plane near, far.

inlineperspective(fovY:Float, aspect:Float, near:Float, far:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to perspecive projection matrix and returns this.

Where perspecive projection matrix is a matrix which represents the perspective projection transformation with field of view in the y direction fovY in radians, aspect ratio aspect, and z-value of near and far clipping plane near, far.

inlineprependRotation(rad:Float, axisX:Float, axisY:Float, axisZ:Float):Mat4

Returns rotation matrix * this.

Where rotation matrix is a matrix which rotates rad in radians around the normalized vector (axisX, axisY, axisZ).

inlineprependRotationEq(rad:Float, axisX:Float, axisY:Float, axisZ:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to rotation matrix * this, and returns this.

Where rotation matrix is a matrix which rotates rad in radians around the normalized vector (axisX, axisY, axisZ).

inlineprependScale(sx:Float, sy:Float, sz:Float):Mat4

Returns scaling matrix * this.

Where scaling matrix is a matrix which scales sx times, sy times and sz times along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineprependScaleEq(sx:Float, sy:Float, sz:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to scaling matrix * this, and returns this.

Where scaling matrix is a matrix which scales sx times, sy times and sz times along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineprependTranslation(tx:Float, ty:Float, tz:Float):Mat4

Returns translation matrix * this.

Where translation matrix is a matrix which translates sx, sy and sz along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.

inlineprependTranslationEq(tx:Float, ty:Float, tz:Float):Mat4

Sets this matrix to translation matrix * this, and returns this.

Where translation matrix is a matrix which translates sx, sy and sz along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.


Returns this * s


Sets this matrix to this * s and returns this.


Returns this - m


Sets this matrix to this - m and returns this.

@:value({ columnMajor : false })inlinetoArray(columnMajor:Bool = false):Array<Float>

Returns an array of the elements of this matrix.

If columnMajor is true, the array is arranged in column-major order. Otherwise, the array is arranged in row-major order.


Returns the string representation of the matrix.


Returns the trace.


Returns the transposed matrix.


Sets this matrix to the transposed matrix and returns this.